#Throw Away The Box
by Imtiaz Abdul Kader
#Throw Away The Box
$9.19 – $24.99
Imtiaz is an avid researcher in the field of advanced technology integration to enable business growth. He is also the co-founder and CEO of Perfected Execution, a technology and strategy research start-up. In addition he also has 23 years’ experience of large scale organisation technology transformations. He holds a PhD and M Eng degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand and strongly believes that by embracing advanced technologies, organisations, societies and economies can grow.In searching for stability, certainty and constant equilibrium, Imtiaz looked in all directions, and no matter where he looked, he was faced with change. Change appeared in all its guises, but the one that he found to be profound in its impact was the velocity of the on going technological changes taking place today and into the future. That is the reality facing organisations that have existed pre the internet age. In his academic and professional quests to quench his thirst for knowledge on how to enable growth for such organisations, he has learned and will continue to learn what it will take for these types of organisations to thrive in this new era. With that in mind, this book is written to offer you a view of his thoughts on why these organisations have to embrace advanced technologies if they wish to thrive in the face of all these changes in the 4IR.
“In encouraging us to “throw away the box” Imtiaz is making the case for leaders in the 21st Century to be bold. They need to embrace innovation and be prepared to accept unknown outcomes. This is particularly challenging – and important – in large legacy organisations. It’s also far easier to say than to do. Where do we start? This book is based on both research and a wealth of hands-on experience. It makes for thought-provoking reading.Professor Barry Dwolatzky, Emeritus Professor, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Wits University.”
– Professor Barry Dwolatzky, Emeritus Professor, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Wits University.
“I think Imtiaz did a great job in setting the context of where the world is now and most importantly where the world is heading. I thoroughly enjoyed his point of view on how to transform your legacy organisation.”
– Shayne Mann, Co CEO Singularity University SA
Chapter I
Setting The Scene
From the dawn of humanity, a few million years ago, we have imagined and created new possibilities geared predominantly to appease our curiosity, advance our knowledge and enable us to be the dominant species on Earth. Undeniably, this imagination and creation of new possibilities will continue for as long as humanity is in existence. It is ingrained in our psyche and we will continue to seek out new creations woven from our imaginations, bringing into existence new knowledge and new creations, tangible or intangible. Throughout this journey of imagination and creation, humanity has strived to either improve on what exists or discover and create totally new possibilities, leading to changes in the existing complex social world interwoven with technology in various ways.
This book is written to focus on the latter. In my own journey of imagination and creation through my professional and academic journeys, I have encountered several approaches and discussions centered on innovation, entrepreneurship and organisational transformation that allude to achieving success. In tandem with these, one will more often than not encounter the phrase ‘think outside the box’. Now, before I am taken out of context, I am not an opponent or proponent of any specific approach, but I strongly believe that the existence of specific variables/situations had to have existed in order for an event to occur, and more specifically, the rise of successful organisations. I refer to these as ‘Situational Contexts’.
Given my own journey, I began to understand that chasing after ‘hypes’, which favoured a few successful stories that have occurred in a specific period within specific parameters, cannot always be replicated across every industry and every organisation. However, I have also noted the contrary – where many a discussion or literature has alluded to principles and approaches that, if followed, will afford an organisation enormous growth.
No, this may well be true and for some organisations actually deliver incremental successes, so this is not a debate that I will enter into within this book. I would rather focus on the dimension of Situational Contexts and specifically how they have changed over the past two decades, a period defined by the emergence of the Internet and, yes, these circumstances have enabled immense organisational growth, socio-technical evolution and advances spanning many industries.
These Situational Contexts do not remain static. In fact, they are extremely dynamic in nature due to the velocity of technology advancements – the likes of artificial intelligence (AI), data science and high=performance computing (HPC), which it is foretold will impact every industry and touch all of society in many ways. Martin Ford, in his book Architects of Intelligence, states that the list of applications and uses of AI shows continuous advancement and “it is becoming evident that AI is poised to become on of the most important forces shaping our world. Unlike more specialised innovations, artificial intelligence is becoming a true general-purpose technology.” He goes on to further suggest that AI is very much like a utility that will scale to embed in itself in every aspect of our socio-economic world, including the culture. Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson, in their book Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future, state that we are “in the early stages
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